Jolfamar Urine Bags
Our urine bags are designed and manufactured in our manufacturing plant in Spain with the best materials and components, making these a top quality disposable product and reliable against possible leaks.
All our bags pass rigorous quality controls before, during and after the production process.
*Products manufactured in SPAIN. They do not contain Phthalates.
What are they and what are they for?

For those who suffer from urinary incontinence or have recently been a surgical patient, the use of a urine collector is a comfortable, practical and hygienic solution for the patient.
The urine bag collects the fluid secreted by the patient through a catheter to relieve urinary retention. When reaching its maximum capacity, it must be emptied to guarantee the hygiene of the patient and thus avoid possible urinary infections.
There are different types of urine bags, among which we find the bed urine bag, which is fixed to the side of the bed, and the leg urine bag, which is attached to the patient's thigh to facilitate mobility.
Likewise, using a urine collector facilitates diuresis control for health professionals, since urine bags for hospitals are manufactured with transparent sheets to favor the quantification and assessment of the amount of urine secreted by the patient in a period of time. .
Important features of our bags
This is not a common product and therefore it is possible that many doubts arise when evaluating our products and knowing what characteristics they have.
Tube made of PVC
(VAR) check valve return

We manufacture all our catheters for urine bags with medical grade PVC and weld them directly to the bag, thus obtaining a clean and reliable finish against possible losses or leaks.
PVC sheets
We manufacture urine bags with PVC sheets from 90 microns thick to 200 microns thick.
All our raw material is carefully selected with the aim of being able to offer the consumer / patient a reliable and well-functioning product.
Scale printed on the bag
We carry out printing with a scale to be able to provide the client with the capacity of the same and its state of filling at all times. As well as in hospital cases, to be able to obtain information about the patient, room or date of the sample collected.
* This item is not a measuring instrument. Approximate volume
Double Seal on the bag
We offer double-welded bags in order to strengthen the product and prevent breakage when hit.
These two welds act as insurance.
All our bags incorporate accessories such as connectors, drain valves and/or hangers for hanging on the bed.
All of them are universal so that they can be used in different beds and with different items manufactured by other brands.
drain valves
Some of our bags incorporate emptying valves. These are used to facilitate the emptying of the bag once it is full.
Our valves are manufactured with anti-drip technology, thus avoiding possible leaks of the content.
Some of our bags incorporate non-return valves inside.
Its objective is to prevent the content that has entered the bag from coming out again through the tube and causing possible urine infections in the patient.
Design your bag, we manufacture it for you.
At Jolfamar we specialize in the manufacture of urine bags with our own brand and for third parties, adapting ourselves to the needs and requirements of each client.
Currently we can manufacture urine bags from 500 ml to 8 liters of capacity.
Send us your design or requirement and we will send you our best offer.

Discover our range of bags
Discover our range of urine collection bags. From 500ml to 8 litres.
Accesorios para bolsas de orina
Jolfamar dispone de una amplia gama de accesorios y complementos para adaptar tus bolsas a las necesidades de tus clientes / pacientes.
Descúbre algunos de los componentes y accesorios que ofrecemos para personalizar tus bolsas de orina.


Push Pull valve

T Valve
Clamps y estranguladores
Do you need more info?
Get in touch with our sales team
so that we can advise you on the models and requirements you need.